Saturday, August 20, 2011

“Is there such thing as Philippine Architecture?”

Is there such thing as a Filipino architecture? Do we have our own style when it comes to architecture? Can we really say that we have something to be proud of? To be totally honest, I don’t really know if there is or there is not a thing such as Filipino architecture. In my two years of studying architecture I am still not confident to say that we Filipinos have our own. Yes we strive to achieve something better but are we not just borrowing everything we has on other country. But I know that all hopes are not yet gone. We are trying to accomplish something we can call our own. We are striving to be different from the others. Some of us, some of architects was able to prove such things. Some was still hopeful including me. I have seen houses, buildings that have that essence of being a Filipino. I have seen some architects who truly believed, believing that someday we will have that essence of Philippine architecture. I myself also believe in that. After I finished my study to become a licensed architect I will not forget to be Filipino in all the projects that I will be doing. I must do something about it. We must do something about it. I think that Filipinos are  a natural when it comes to building dwelling places you could just think about it. Ever since we are doing our best to build a place where we can live comfortably, applying all the knowledge we can give. First there are caves and as time passed people, our ancestors, learns new things and as this happens we are able to improve our way of living we were able to make more comfortable dwelling houses. After years of progress we had been colonized by different countries causing us to adopt their styles of architecture and until today we are still holding to that kind of style. Although we have evolved simply from caves to houses to more complex way of living can we really call this Philippine architecture?
But I know some architects who had already proven their belief and visions that we there is such thing as Philippines architecture. Some of the architects that I was talking about was Architect Leandro V. Locsin and the so-called “Hero of the Philippine architecture” Architect “Francisco “Bobby” Manosa”. These two are famous and known for their Filipino inspired architectural design. They are incorporating that Filipino essence in their works that is why you can see based from their previous works the Filipino nationalism effect. And because of their knowledge and uniqueness in designing and being an extraordinary architect this made them gain different awards which just shows how great of an architect they are.
Leandro V. Locsin was a Filipino architect, artist, and interior designer. He was proclaimed a National Artist of the Philippines for Architecture. He known for his unique use of concrete, floating volume, simple design. He design many building that made him famous in the field of Philippine architecture. His famous works are The Tanghalang Maria Makiling of theNational Arts Center this building was based from the traditional Nipa Hut, Davao International Airport and one of his most recognizable work is the Cultural Center of the Philippines. His works was inspired by Filipino houses  and more. He has his different interpretation in showing this kinds of stuff which I really admire. He was able to incorporate the use of concrete and the floating effect yet he was able to show the Filipino essence in his design.  His buildings was commonly used as National Museums, Airports etc.  
Then there is Architect Francisco “Bobby” Manosa. He was obviously was like the father, Hero of Philippine architecture. He has lots of awards proving that he was one of the greatest Filipino architect in our time. I am such a big fan of his Filipino inspired works. In a way it speaks to me. It makes me think that we still have hope to make our own style of architecture. It inspires me so much that when the time comes and when I finished my course in would like to follow his footsteps not only to be known by all but to continue what he started and passed it to the next generations.  One of his truly Filipino inspired building was the Coconut Palace located in Pasay. This was supposed to be the house of the vice president of the Philippines. This was truly an achievement and in a way an icon for him. This was made with the used of Philippine harwood, coconut shell, and a specially engineered coconut lumber known as the “Imelda Madera”. A true beauty. Another work of Francisco Manosa is his Bahay Kubo mansion in Ayala Alabang village. This house was inspired by the Bahay Kubo which is one of the first dwelling house that I can say is truly a Filipino. Its interior was detailed from the biggest to the smallest of things. If you go there you will be amazed of how Filipino inspred it is. It is the perfect example of what I can say a Philippines architecture.
The Philippines has so much potential and has many great architects that can bring out the best in it. We have, as I said earlier, the Bahay Kubo or Nipa Hut. One of the historical structure of the Philippines. It is the first formal dwelling of the people. It is so much better than living in a cave right. It has better ventilation which allows air to go in so it will not be to hot inside. It is a house that is used until now. Whenever I go inside this kind of structure in a way it gives me an idea of what our past was and how and what their way of living was. Also in a way it relaxes me, gives me comfort. It tells me that life is simple and Filipino people are happy person who gets satisfaction in the simplest of things. Now I can see lots of these structures in beaches and some gardens. And I ask myself is this all the appreciation we can give to the house that we first leaved in. But I am also glad because until today we still have this king of houses and we still use it.
Then the Bahay na Bato which is one house that is used ever since. It is definitely stronger than the Bahay Kubo because most of it is buil on stones. It is more safe yet comfortable. It has more available spaces for rooms and more stable not like the Bahay Kubo or Nipa Hut which is not that stable and permanent. The use of stone in building structures became dominant especially in the area of intramuros and fort Santiago. It was use for defence and also as a hiding place during the war. It is used mostly on churches not only here in the Philippines but in some part of the world which we Filipinos can be very proud of. For me using this kind of house was really Filipino because it shows the strong personality of the Filipino yet the soft side because of the comfort that it gives.
Well making this essay answers my question “Is there such thing as Philippine Architecture?” Well for me I can honestly say that there is a Philippine architecture. But it has not yet its fullest potential to dominate the Philippines. It needs more support and we students of architecture, the next generation will have to continue this style.  I am proud to say that we can be better. We can still change the way the people thinks about our Architecture. I will definitely support this kind of architecture. I will design based from our culture to show the world what we Filipinos are capable of doing. We have a rich architecture though not all appreciates it but we do. We just have to observe and care for our surrounding in that way we can help our nation to open their eyes to the possibilities of what we still can be.
We should be proud to say to the world that we are Filipino and we have our style to build, nourish and at the right time show to the world the result of the hard work and great visions for the future. Filipino architecture has so much to offer when used and done properly. It is so refreshing to know that we are not just copying what other country has. We are not just borrowing their architectural style. We are combining them with what we have resulting to a new style of architecture. We are evolving to a new era where we can enter a new style where we have our own style of Architecture. This journey has already been started by Locsin and Manosa. We are here to continue their journey and pass it to the next Generation. 

"The Usual Bahay Kubo"

"The usual Bahay na Bato"

"The Cultural Center of the Philippines" by Leandro Locsin

"The Coconut Palace" By Francisco Manosa

"Davao International Airport"

"Typical Bahay na Bato" in Intramuros

"Ruins of Baluarte de San Diego"

"Tanghalang Maria Makiling of the National Arts Center"

1 comment:

  1. Definitely there is such a thing calle Philippine architecture. Filipino architects are really good in their field.
