Friday, July 8, 2011


My most unforgettable experience is when the Storm Ondoy hits our place. Although it did not do that much harm in our house, but the damage that it has cause our neighbourhood was horrifying.
Our house was located in Malabon City. That is the reason why flooding occurs when heavy storms like Ondoy strikes. We were very fortunate because our house was high enough to endure the rapid increase of water. But unfortunately some of our neighbours were not that fortunate. Our house suddenly became like an evacuation centre, which is fine with us because they are also our friends. We experience brownouts and everything its funny because for a second there we felt like we were refugees. It’s the first time that I myself experience that kind of disaster. Everywhere you look, basically is water. We were very scared at that time. The Flood stayed for like 2 to 3 days. It’s really not a joke when nature strikes back to us. It teaches me that we all should care of our environment, our nature so that we will not experience that again.


I made it to look like this because I applied three emotions namely calmness and worried. The maze like base shows the calmness with its consistency. The support like standing at the four sides is like my emotions slowly I’m getting kind of worried. The last was the lines bursting inside. It shows that I am kind of scared and worried. For me it looked more hi-tech like this because it’s like I used materials that are thin making the sculpture thin.


I made it like the first; I used the same emotions that I applied to the first. The small 3d square at the base shows calmness. The smaller square with smaller squares at the side above it are my worries I’m trying to hide. The straight line inside and out kind of shows my growing emotion it’s like I’m getting worried. The slanted line shows that I am scared a little. I made it not as many as the straight because I don’t want to show the others that I am scared. I made this look like this because I for me brutalism mostly has big masses and has many characteristics most likely 3 to 4.


I also based my design for this sculpture from my three emotions. The big square as the base shows my calmness it’s like I’m not worried at all because i know it’s not that serious of a rain. The tiny squares shows that it’s like the big squares are like breaking into pieces. Its shows that I beginning to worry a little and the lines on top show that I am scared because it is not whole it’s like many pieces. I chose this form because for me modernism is simplicity. It has no ornamentation or whatever. It’s like less is more.

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