Sunday, June 19, 2011


To start, I would like to share to you that this is the second time that I am given the privilege to remake my architectural manifesto. Based from my June2010 Architectural manifesto I can tell that I’ve realize many things about architecture I learned many new thing that I like to share with all of you. Unlike the first, we were not  given guide questions. Architecture for me is a Language. I say this because as what can feel is as the structures were talking to me, they were trying to tell me something. It is really amazing when you really put your heart and mind to understand the great art using architecture . For me as a college student, Architecture is a noble course to take. It’s making your ideas of design possible. It also gives self satisfaction to an Architect, for him to see his ideas come to life, standing, and people are living there and their satisfied and happy. Building something amazing that people who see it will love and appreciate. I believe that Architects serves as leaders to bring together the design and budgetary requirements set by the clients, restraint from the site, need’s of the building’s user and the limitation of the materials into a unique and balanced design solution.  If you ask me Architecture is a really challenging occupation. Being an Architect  You should first set your priorities. I have experience many things in the last months of studying architecture, I had experience working all night just to be able to meet the given deadline. And I spent almost all of my time in school but for me complaining is not an option. Whenever I feel that I am about to give up and all was lost and down, I just tell myself that in the end everything will be worth it. And all of my sacrifice and hard work will pay off someday. And personally speaking Architecture also gives me the feeling of being superior because if one becomes a fully licensed architect He or She will be able to build new structures and your structures can change the world if everything of what you are going to build will come to your heart. You have to put your heart and mind in everything you do. The architects should care about their clients. They should be more sensitive of what the clients want and together with this He or She should consider the factors that can help build ones building, furnitures and many more structure.. For me Architecture is not only a profession that can be a source of income but a noble job which can make a change to the people. It should be practiced whole heartedly without any doubt because if there is any doubt and you don’t like what you are doing, all of your work will show what you feel. And it will not look very nice. Architecture also is not all about designing it is not just designing. Architects should not be eager to build their structure fast just for the sake of getting it done even if they are not sure if it is safe and precise. To get to the point that the structure is not safe to live in, the point that it is not safe to be inhabited by men because of poor foundation and bad architecture because of time pressure.  It is also about thinking of what can be changed and what can your  work contribute to the society and what influence the architects to do such things. If the time comes that I can overcome all the challenges that the course Architecture has offers and I will be able to be a fully licensed architect I want to be known for my unique designs and styles of architecture. I want to build a structure such as buildings that can contribute to the country and a structure that can make a difference in the field of architecture to be inspired by my life and design philosophies. I want my works not to be forgotten by the people who saw them. I want my Architecture to stay in their mind and touch their emotions and it will never be forgotten. All works done with passion will result to a infinite beauty that everyone will acknowledge and will be remembered even if the I die. When the day comes that my life will end, and the only thing that I can inherit is the artworks that I have done and contributed to the world. I want everyone to know that I can am one  great architect. The feeling that stays in their heart and the different perception that each of the person who looked at my works shall remain and never be forgotten. I realize now that this manifesto helped me see the importance of my course, the course Architecture. That I was not wrong to take this course because this is one of the most noble job that a person can have and I am going to strive to my fullest to finish this course and be a good model to all the young kids. To inspire, dream, strive, and believe… to meet the success we all seek in the future. Before I end this manifesto I will just leave to you a saying, a saying that I still like and admire until now, from a Famous German architect named Walter Gropius, He said, “Architects, painters, and sculptors must recognize and learn to grasp the composite character of a building both as an entity and in its separate parts. Only then their work will be imbued with the architectonic spirit which it has lost as ‘salon art.” Together let us desire, conceive, and create the new structure of the future, which will embrace architecture and sculpture and painting in one unity and which will one day rise toward heaven from the hands of a million workers like the crystal symbol of a new faith”.

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